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Welcome to my blog, brought into existence because I believe in the power of stories. I hope you'll find a few things you like here. Let me know what you think and leave me any verdict, suggestion, challenge or request you want.

Happy readings!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Spring Haiku

<><> <><> <><>
                                         Wind seeps through spring leaves
                                         humming songs of bygone days
                                         so far south from here


It's haiku... "Gesundheit!" No, a haiku, a poetry genre from 17th century Japan comprised of three lines and 17 syllables (5 in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 again in the third). Traditional haiku's are mostly about nature, but present day western haiku's can be about pretty much everything and anything. It's really fun, try it!


Side note: thanks to you English speaking folk's insane way of spelling stuff, English haiku's are a lot trickier than Dutch ones. Just your luck...

By the way, special thanks to Timothy Cook - also known as 'Drachma' from his novel 'The Book of Drachma' (book available on Amazon 27th of March!!!) - for kicking me in the butt and making me get my ass back here alright, dammit! Thanks, Tim :).
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